The RELIF 2017 Symposium "Open Education, Open Educational Resources and Training Engineering" will be held on November 30th , 1st and 2nd december, 2017 in Hammamet, Tunisia. <br><br> This event will take place during the festivities of the celebration of 15th anniversary of the Virtual University of Tunis. This meeting is dedicated to researchers, teachers, executives, professionals and students interested in free access to tools and content. <br><br> It will be an opportunity for researchers in educational sciences to meet and exchange ideas on the different fields of open training, open educational resources and training engineering. <br><br> Contributions in this symposium will be around conferences, round tables, plenary sessions and workshops. The main subjects of the workshop will be about: reflection, debate, research's results sharing, and experiential field reports. <br><br> This symposium will be an opportunity for specialists from around the world to participate and exchange experiences about open education and training engineering. It involves researchers, teachers, educators, managers, students and other professionals interested in free educational resources and in the vast field of educational technologies.